- Secondary fluids - TEMPER
- Secondary fluids - GLYCOLS GK Lab™
- Evaporator Cleaners- GK Lab™
- Condenser Cleaners - GK Lab™
- Solvents and flushing fluids for Refrigeration & Air Conditioning piping GK Lab™
- Limescale Remover - GK Lab™
- Leak detectors & Dye - GK Lab™ for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Auto A/C
- Gas Leak Stop for Refrigerant Leakages GK Lab™
- Additives for PH Value, Moisture, Deposits of Oil and Refrigerant Gas Leak - GK Lab™
- Joint Sealants for R&AC
- Disinfectants and sanitizers with Bactericide and Virucidal Efficacy - Medical Devices
- Purifying Treatments
- Auto - DPF Cleaning - Diesel Particulate Filters
- Leak Stopper for Vehicles Cooling System
- Leak Stopper for Motor Oil (Automotive)
- Flushing Fluid for Vehicles Cooling Systems - Auto
Chemical Products
Disinfectants and sanitizers with Bactericide and Virucidal Efficacy - Medical Devices
AtomKryon - Ultrasonic Professional Nebulizer for Ambient Purifying, complete with n° 2...
$ 303.49 / Package
VAT Excluded
SONTARA (SAMPEL) EC Large - DUPONT - high-performance non-woven fabric cloth - 250-sheet ...
$ 65.03 / Package
VAT Excluded
AtomKryon - Ultrasonic Professional Nebulizer for Ambient Purifying, complete with n° 2...
$ 319.75 / Package
VAT Excluded
AtomKryon - Ultrasonic Professional Nebulizer for Ambient Purifying, with diffuser - Pac...
$ 215.69 / Pieces
VAT Excluded
PUREZONE MACHINE Ultrasonic Professional Nebulizer for Ambient Purifying - Package # 1 pc...
$ 269.89 / Package
VAT Excluded
AtomKryon - Ultrasonic Professional Nebulizer, accessory kit: revolving fitting, liquid ...
$ 18.97 / Package
VAT Excluded
2 x AtomKryon - ATOM LIQUID Purifying Treatment for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon and P...
$ 57.15 / Package
VAT Excluded
2 x AtomKryon - ATOM LIQUID Purifying Treatment for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon and P...
$ 56.36 / Package
VAT Excluded
AtomKryon - KILLER ODOR - Odour Eliminator for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon e Purezone...
$ 19.22 / Package
VAT Excluded
24 x AtomKryon - ATOM LIQUID Purifying Treatment for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon and ...
$ 53.11 / Package
VAT Excluded
24 x AtomKryon - ATOM LIQUID Disinfectant Treatment for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon a...
$ 42.27 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x AtomKryon - KILLER ODOR - Odour Eliminator for Ultrasonic Nebulizers AtomKryon e Pur...
$ 18.43 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Refill Kit of Purifying Treatments for Ultrasonic Nebulizer - ATOM ULTRA 120 ml - PU...
$ 0.00 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Refill Kit of Purifying Treatments for Ultrasonic Nebulizer - ATOM ULTRA 120 ml - SM...
$ 18.43 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Refill Kit of Purifying Treatments for Ultrasonic Nebulizer - ATOM ULTRA 120 ml - LE...
$ 18.43 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Refill Kit of Purifying Treatments for Ultrasonic Nebulizer - ATOM ULTRA 120 ml - MI...
$ 18.43 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Refill Kit of Purifying Treatments for Ultrasonic Nebulizer - ATOM ULTRA 120 ml - WO...
$ 18.43 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x Hygiene Sicura Alimentare - 750 ml - carton package with 12 pcs....
$ 45.52 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x KryonBact 70 - gel sanitiser alcohol 70% - 500 ml - package with 12 pcs....
$ 36.85 / Package
VAT Excluded
12 x KryonBact 70 - gel sanitiser alcohol 70% - 1 liter - package with 12 pcs....
$ 39.02 / Package
VAT Excluded
4 x KryonBact 70 - gel sanitiser alcohol 70% - 5 liters - package with 4 pcs....
$ 54.19 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - TALC - 100 ml - Package # 30...
$ 48.78 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - MINT - 100 ml - Package # 30...
$ 0.00 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - LEMON - 100 ml - Package # 3...
$ 0.00 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - VANILLA - 100 ml - Package #...
$ 47.15 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - PEACH - 100 ml - Package # 3...
$ 47.15 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - STRAWBERRY - 100 ml - Packag...
$ 47.15 / Package
VAT Excluded
30 x Purifying Treatment for Interiors - INTERIOR PURIFIER - GREEN APPLE - 100 ml - Packa...
$ 47.15 / Package
VAT Excluded