Calibration Report Ref. ACCREDIA or equivalent EA - Digital Manometric Group without vacuum gauge (only pressure and temperature probes), compliant with EU F-Gas Reg. n° 517/2014

$ 195.09 / Pieces
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Digital Manometric Group calibration without vacuum gauge (only pressure and temperature probes), with issue of F-Gas compliant certification

The price of the calibration service already includes the cost of shipping the certified instrument from the laboratory to the customer's premises, by DHL courier (including islands).

Important: download the order form in PDF format, with instructions for shipping the instrument to be calibrated and certified.The order form can be downloaded in the "Technical Documentation" section, after registering on the website.

Reference Standards:

- EURAMET cg-17
- UNI EN 837-1
- UNI EN 837-3
- IEC 60584
- IEC 60751

Calibration carried out by an ISO17025 certified laboratory for the lengths sector and with ISO9001 certified management system for calibration with traceability for the other quantities, equipped with instruments and first line samples periodically calibrated by ACCREDIA centres.

- Lengths
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Electrical
- Masses
- Forces

Professional calibration services for F-Gas instrumentation:
- Digital gauge sets
- Analogue Manometric Units
- Infrared leak detector
- Heated Diode Leak Detector
- Electronic Scales
- Temperature, pressure and humidity probes
- Digital and Analogue Vacuum Gauges
- Digital Thermometers
- Current Clamps

Calibration procedure for gauge groups:

- EURAMET Normative Ref. cg-17; UNI EN 837-1 and UNI EN 837-3

The linearity error of the gauge is checked by comparing the values indicated by the gauge being calibrated with the pressure values applied and measured using a sample pressure transducer. The readings are taken in two measuring cycles, one with increasing pressure and one with decreasing pressure in order to verify also the hysteresis error of the instrument under calibration. The repeatability of the instrument is checked on three points (typically 0-40-100 % of full scale) by repeating the measurement with increasing pressures 5 times. The repeatability value reported in the calibration report will be the greater of the three standard deviations calculated on the three measurement points. The calibration report, completed in Italian and English, must contain the following data: - Nominal values of the measuring points (6 points distributed over the range) - Deviation at the point (increasing and decreasing pressure) - Hysteresis error - Relative measurement uncertainty of each point detected (for 100 bar thermometers, uncertainty estimate 0.081 bar)

Temperature Gauge Calibration Procedure:

- Ref. Normative IEC 60584 and IEC 60751 The verification of the linearity error of the instrument being calibrated is carried out by comparison with a sample resistance thermometer inside a dry calibration oven with an equalisation block. For the characterisation of resistance thermometers and thermocouples without displays, the furnace is also used as a probe reading system (multimeter) by connecting the instrument being calibrated to the front inputs of the furnace. The calibration report, completed in Italian and English, must contain the following data: - Nominal values of the measuring points (5 points distributed over the range and communicated by the customer) - Values measured by the sample - Values measured by the instrument being calibrated (for resistance thermometers and thermocouples, the value of the electrical characteristic measured must be reported, e.g. resistance, and the consequent value in °C). Absolute deviation - Relative measurement uncertainty of each measured point (for thermometers with a Format Unit of 1 °C up to 150°C the estimated uncertainty is 0.59°C; for thermometers with a Format Unit of 0.11 °C up to 150°C the estimated uncertainty is 0.13°C).

Important: an identification label will be applied to each calibrated and certified instrument, showing the number of the calibration report and the serial number of the instrument; the label will also include a date stamp showing the calibration deadline (to be paid by the customer). An additional label with a QR CODE will also be applied to the instrument, making the calibration report immediately available on a smartphone (very useful for the refrigeration technician who is working on site and needs to demonstrate the conformity of the instrument in real time).

How to purchase the calibration service:
For the costs of the calibration service, refer to the official GeneralGas price list (separate code for each type of calibration).
1. The customer orders the service at the conditions indicated in the official GeneralGas price list (the price of the calibration service is already inclusive of the cost of shipping the certified instrument from the laboratory to the customer's premises).
2. The customer sends the instrument to be calibrated and certified directly to the QuickCheck laboratory, at the following address (to be indicated on the delivery note): GeneralGas c/o QuickCheck s.r.l. Via Aretina, 25, 50065 Loc. Sieci (FI) Telephone: 055 83638 e-mail address:
3. Once the calibration has been carried out, the instrument, together with its calibration certificate, will be sent directly to the customer, by DHL express courier (carriage paid).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Calibration consists of checking the instrument and issuing a calibration certificate, in accordance with the requirements of EU F-Gas Regulation No. 517/2014.
If, during the analysis phase, the instrument subject to the calibration report is found to be outside the acceptable limits, it is necessary to proceed with calibration.
Calibration, i.e. error correction, is not always feasible and is a service (with relative extra cost) supplied separately, because it actually constitutes a repair of the instrument.
In other words, the calibration/certification does not correct the error of the instrument, but is rather a snapshot of the state of the instrument itself; in the calibration service, only a zero correction is permitted (and, if this is necessary, it is obviously possible to carry it out, directly during the calibration phase).

EAN n.d.
Item number F-SV-AL-TA-MADI
Packaging Cardboard box

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