GK-Lab Acid Cleaner and Descaler for Condensers Kryon AcidShot - Dilution 1:6 - 5 litre canister

$ 16.06 / Package
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Kryon® AcidShot Condenser Cleaner is a descaling acid cleaner specifically designed for applications on outdoor units that are subject to corrosion, salt and other types of fouling.

It is not aggressive to metals, and is therefore perfectly suitable for treating steel, copper, aluminium and painted components. However, it is imperative to rinse thoroughly to remove all loose dirt and any residual product.

For normal maintenance the dilution is up to 1:6 with line water, for more stubborn soiling the dilution can be reduced. Always dispense the product in counter-flow to push dirt outwards.

Always consult the product safety data sheet before use and wear protective clothing.

Instructions for use:

Use the product for condensers (outdoor units) with encrusted dirt, rust, saltiness. Dilute with 5 litres of water per litre of product. For very persistent dirt, reduce dilution. Disconnect the power supply to the system. Spray with a spray pump in the opposite direction to the air flow and allow to act for about five minutes.

RINSE thoroughly.

Available formats:

1 litre with 360° trigger (allows the bottle to be used upside down)

5 litre canister (with semi-transparent level indicator line)

EAN 8052740110190
Cylinder/Container size 5 liters
Packaging Overall Dimensions 120 x 190 x H 320 mm.
Package weight 5.2 Kg.
Product Type Industrial
Implementing rules: Concentrated product to be diluted
Suitable For: External Split Unit Air Conditioners
Capacitors conditioning chillers
Refrigeration - Condensers
Cleaning of Oil and Grease
Removal of AI and Cu oxides / Rust Removal
Dirty Cleaning-off
Item number F-PC-KR-KASCC-5LT-1
Packaging 1 5-litres bottle

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