Filter-dryer (molecular sieve) with humidity sigh glass indicator - mod. SCMI032MM PLUS - Made in Italy

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Filter-dryer with humidity sight glass indicator. Body and head made of steel UNI EN 10130 - DC04. The assembly of the two parts is done by MIG or TIG without filler material soldering, thus creating a very strong and seamless single body. In this type of filter the dehydrating charge is not replaceable and is composed of a single and compact block of molecular sieve beads; there is also a particular type of felt that allows mechanical filtration, offering the least resistance to fluid motion with benefits in dehydration effectiveness. The production range includes versions with SAE Flare threaded connections and soldering connections in copper-plated steel.

The desiccant element is a compact cartridge made from 100% of molecular sieve 3Å.


To optimize the performance of the filter is recommended to be mounted with the longitudinal axis vertical while the arrow points down.

Considering the importance of the filters within the system it is recommended to provide for scheduled maintenance to check the correct function of the system.


The filter dryer are classified as “Vessels” in the sense of the Directive PED 2014/68/EU, Article 2, paragraph 2 and are subject of Article 4, paragraph 1, letter (a), of the same Directive.

All the products range is suitable for use with fluids proper to the Group 1 and 2, as defined in Article 13, paragraph 1, letter (a) and letter (b), of PED Directive 2014/68/EU referred to the Regulation (EC) n. 1272/2008, in accordance with safety classification A1, A2L in Annex E of the standard EN 378-1: 2016.

Examples of refrigerant fluids are:

- HFC R32, R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507

- HFO R1234yf, R1234ze and blends HFC/HFO, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R445A, R454B, R454C, R513A

The function of the dehydrating filter is to protect the system from moisture, acids and solid contaminants. Moisture can cause the formation of ice, a reduction in efficiency of the system and the formation of acids, resulting in damage to the compressor.

Technical features:

Volume: 50 cm3

Connections: ¼" SAE flare

Operating temperature: from -40 to +80 °C

Pressure: 50 bar

EAN n.d.
Packaging Overall Dimensions 150 x 60 x 60 mm.
Package weight 0.5 Kg.
Item number F-AF-RE-FILDIS-002
Packaging Cardboard box

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